Friday, December 7, 2018

The Essence of Christmas

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What is the essence of Christmas? Is it the giving of gifts? The singing of Christmas carols? The eating of Christmas food? Celebrating the birth of Jesus? Spending time with your family? For me it is all of these.

The essence of Christmas is different for each person, for me it its celebrating it happily together with my family, friend and all of my loved ones. It is reuniting with them, enjoying every second that you have with them, eating food with them,celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ with them, exchanging gifts and cards, singing Christmas carols. Celebrating Christmas as happily, as merrily as you can is the essence of Christmas for me.

When the weather is cold, warm up your heart with the warmth of love from your family, friends, all of your loved ones

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Equal Rights and Equal Opportunities

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 For centuries, many have been discriminated, became outcasts from society. People usually are given disadvantages because of their race, gender, or skin color. There is no equality in this society that we live in.

Giving equal rights to everyone enables them to show their talents and skill in work which can contribute to society. But even until now, there is still inequality, there are still unequal opportunities. More than 90 million children, all around the world have disabilities. Because of their condition they are most likely to enroll late,drop out or miss out on school.

But equality is currently being fought for, and in the future,if equality will be finally implemented, There will be equal rights and equal opportunities.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Care for all the KIds

Children all around the world deserve to be loved. They are the world's hope, the world's future. But in this generation, a lot of kids are being neglected, some kids dont have families, how can they be the world's hope if they dont have any hope?

In order for children to  become the world's hope, they need to have hope, they need love. Most parents often neglect their children, they rely on phones to entertain their kids. Where's the love? We live in a society that relies too much on technology. Children need love from their parents and family, not technology. We need to go back to the lifestyle where kids are properly taken care off.

Children deserve love, children should be cared for properly. For them to be the Hope and Future of the world, we must give them hope and take care of them for them to have a better future